3rd November 2021

Digitally Transforming Document Workflows with Power PDF and SignDoc

The world’s reaction to Covid-19 has undoubtedly accelerated digital transformation for many businesses. Adopting technologies, strategies, and practices to enable them to stay competitive whilst their workforces adapt to a new style of working.

Efficient handling of business documents whether printed or digital is of course key, and Fleet MPS have been helping clients with products such as Kofax Power PDF. The number one alternative to Adobe globally, Power PDF is fully scalable and with volume licensing from Fleet MPS it’s a very cost-effective alternative to Adobe.

With 98% of business documents on the web being in PDF format, having the ability to properly work with PDF files is vital. Enabling collaboration and integration with various platforms and software solutions such as Office365 and iManage makes Power PDF a true business grade tool boasting a huge feature set with a familiar and easy to use Microsoft Office ribbon style interface.

Combined with Kofax SignDoc you can replace wet-ink signatures with electronic signatures to simplify and expedite business processes, eliminating potential delays in getting documents to the client, signed, and returned.

What’s more, Fleet MPS are offering 30-day trials so you can discover the benefits without the commitment.
Click Here to apply for a trial of Kofax Power PDF.