14th September 2021

Advanced Auditing and Security with Solutions from Fleet MPS

Whether looking to achieve ISO27001 compliance or simply wanting a superior level of document security for your business, a solution from Fleet Managed Print Solutions can give you the power to secure your print environment, produce accurate audit trails, and quarantine sensitive print jobs before they reach a printer.

Our standard device build includes everything from simply changing manufacturers default passwords, an often-overlooked procedure, to NIST 800-88 compliant immediate overwrite of job image data from the hard disk.

Centrally managing the devices with a Secure Follow Me Print Solution not only further heightens document security but adds an audit trail of Copy, Print and Scan jobs enabling you to trace jobs back to their source.

Besides exploring the audit trail from a graphical user interface, or generating reports, we can also apply watermarks to printed documents to help protect the security of the document after it has been printed.

A digital signature can be included in watermarks, unique to every single document printed, enabling you to track exactly who printed a document, on what device and when. Scans can also be protected using non-visible digital signatures within the PDF.

A full Output Management Solution takes security to the next level by placing sensitive print jobs in quarantine before they reach the printer and adding identifiable document names to print jobs. For example, when printing from Outlook, instead of the document name “Outlook Memo Style” we can use an excerpt from the subject line as the document name.